Visualizzazione post con etichetta THE OLD PERIOD. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta THE OLD PERIOD. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 29 luglio 2015


With the fall of Roman empire  British town  were left  in the hands of  the same races of Barbarians  who were  then sweeping over the continent
In 410  A.D. the jutes led by Heginst invaded Britain  and established  the Kingdom of Kent (449 A.D.)  The saxons followed  and fonded the Kingdom of Sussex Wessex and Essex
Third came tha Angels who  settled in the Kingdoms of  East Anglia  and Northumbria
Then again the saxons came to raid the Island and established the Kingdom do Mercia
What remained of the original Celt population fled to Wales and Cornwall  where a Celt Language can still be heard nowaday
When king Ethelbert allowed Augustin  to build a Church in Canterbury  and to become its first archbishop  chrisitanity made  its appearance  on  the Island
The main  historical  document  of this period  is the Historia Ecclesiastica  Gentis Anglorum  written by a monk, venerable Bede and later  translated into  Anglo-saxon

venerdì 19 giugno 2015

the old english period from origin to 1066 - Roman Britain

roman Britain

Britain was originally populated by celts who ha settled on  the Island in two main groups the geals the first ones to come and the Britons  whio joined them later
remain of this age are left Stonehenge and in  other places  where Druids  (celts priest) held their rituals
a third Group of Celts  living in France   the Gauls had to face  the armies of the Roman and when the Britons decided to help  their "brothers in France Julius Ceaesar  crossed  over into Britain (55-54  B.C.
a more  permanent Roman  invasion began under emperor Claudius and from then onwards Britain became  a province of the Roman empire for at least 400 years Signs of this rule are the name  of some  towms ending in Chester  or caster  the once latin castra 
these town were in fact ancien Roman forts