martedì 28 marzo 2017

inglese - costruzione frasi

inglese costruzione del periodo

La costruzione del periodo inglese vale a dire la posizione in cui si trovano  le parti del discorso e i diversi  complementi è

soggetto + verbo + oggetto + resto del periodo

The boy saw the book

the boy send the book to the girl

soggetto + verbo + complemento

John is very nice

Mary is at home

soggetto + verbo +  oggetto  + complementi indiretti

john had a bad cold last week

she sent a letter to Mary

Il complemento di termine è l'unico complemento che si può mettere tra il verbo e il complemento oggetto

My morher gives me a present

La sequenza   soggetto + verbo  può essere interrotta da avveri di sequenza come Always hadly never often sometimes ecc.

they Always  send a letter to  Mary for her birthday

la posizione dell'avverbio di frequenza con il verbo to be segue il verbo e anche nelle forme composte

They are still in the office

the are still typing the letter

il complemento di luogo precede quello di tempo

we went in Rome Tomorrow

la presenza di un complemento di modo  fa sì che esso preceda il complemento di tempo e luogo

she worked peacefully in the garden all day

Il complemento di tempo determinato può essere messo all'inizio della frase  in presenza di più complementi

In summer  they usually go to the seaside with their friends

Gli avverbi che indicano  certezza tipo certainly definitely ecc  possono essere collocati tra il soggetto e il verbo
Nei tempi composti l'ausiliare e  il modale l'avverbio li segue ma li precede nella forma negativa

they certainly work very hard

they will certainly come

they definitely don't work

Gli avverbi maybe perhaps di solito si mettono all'inizio

Perhaps the weather  will change

lunedì 27 marzo 2017

phrasal verbs - inglese

Alcuni phrasal verbs

Sono verbi composti da più elementi: verbo e particella avverbiale oppure verbo e preposi-
zione che ne modificano il significato originale.
She turned off the radio (Spense la radio).
Usando i phrasal verbs la particella avverbiale può comparire prima o dopo l’oggetto se questo
è un sostantivo; se l’oggetto è un pronome, la particella avverbiale compare dopo di esso.
Ask out: invitare qualcuno fuori.
That handsome boy asked me out! We’re going to a movie
(Quel bel ragazzo mi ha invitata fuori! Andiamo a vedere un film).
Bring up:
1 allevare, educare.
He was brought up strictly (Ha ricevuto un’educazione severa).
2 sollevare (un argomento).
We will bring this up at the next meeting (Solleveremo la questione alla prossima riunione).
Break up:
1 sciogliersi.
The meeting broke up at 10 p.m. (Alle 22 la riunione si sciolse).
2 finire.
Their marriage has virtually broken up (Il loro matrimonio è praticamente finito).
Call up: chiamare.
The secretary will call the client up at 2:00 p.m.
(La segretaria chiamerà il cliente alle 14.00).
Carry on: continuare.
I’m sorry I interrupted you. Please carry on
(Mi spiace di avervi interrotto. Continuate pure).
 Take off:
1 decollare, partire.
The flight to New York took off at 6 p.m.
(L’aereo per New York partì alle 6 di pomeriggio).
2 essere assente dal lavoro.
I’m taking next week off (Sarà assente dal lavoro la settimana prossima).
3 togliere i vestiti, le scarpe…
Take your shoes off (Togliti le scarpe).
Think over: riflettere.
I will think it over (Ci penserò).
Throw away: buttare.
Don’t throw these documents away because we’ll need them later
(Non buttare questi documenti perché ne avremo bisogno più tardi).
Wait for: aspettare.
I’ve been waiting for the bus for almost an hour!
(Aspetto l’autobus da quasi un’ora!)
Work out:
1 progettare, elaborare.
The plan is being worked out (Il progetto è allo studio).
2 risolvere, (fam.) risolvere i propri problemi, sistemare le cose.
Everything has worked out well (Tutto si è risolto per il meglio).
Write down: annotare, prendere appunti.
Did you write the phone number down? (Hai preso nota del numero di telefono ?)❏ Carry out: eseguire, realizzare.
She carried her boss’s orders out exactly (Eseguì gli ordini del suo capo alla lettera).
Check out:
1 pagare il conto e andarsene (da alberghi e simili).
Mr Johnson checked out this morning (Il sig. Johnson ha pagato il conto stamattina).
2 verificare, controllare.
They checked the whole place out for bombs
(Ispezionarono ovunque per controllare che non vi fossero bombe).
Cheer up: rallegrarsi, tirarsi su di morale.
He was sad about failing his test, so I took him out to dinner to cheer him up
(Era triste perché non aveva superato il test, e allora lo portai fuori a cena
per tirarlo su di morale).
 Dress up: vestirsi elegantemente.
Let’s dress up for the party! (Vestiamoci eleganti per la festa!)
Drop by: (fam.) far visita.
Drop by at any time (Vieni a trovarci in qualunque momento).
End up: finire.
If you don’t stop stealing, you’ll end up in jail!
(Se non la smetti di rubare finirai in prigione!)
Figure out: riuscire a capire, immaginarsi come, prevedere.
Can you figure out how the situation will develop?
(Riesci a immaginare che sviluppo avrà la situazione?)
Find out: scoprire.
Can you find out where the theatre is? (Puoi scoprire dov’è il teatro?)
Get up: alzarsi.
When he got up this morning it was still dark
(Quando si è alzato stamattina era ancora buio).
Hang up: riagganciare, chiudere una telefonata.
My ex-husband hung up when I phoned him
(Il mio ex marito riagganciò quando lo chiamai).
Hold on:
1 aspettare.
Hold on a minute (Aspetta un momento).
2 restare in linea (al telefono).
Hold on a minute (Rimanga in linea).
Hurry up: sbrigarsi.
We need to hurry up and leave or we’ll be late!
(Dobbiamo sbrigarci e andare, altrimenti arriveremo in ritardo!)
Look for: cercare.
I spent two hours looking for my glasses
(Ci sono volute due ore per cercare i miei occhiali).
Look forward to: non vedere l’ora di, essere impaziente.
I am looking forward to my vacation (Non vedo l’ora di essere in vacanza).
Look up: cercare informazioni.
If you don’t understand the word, look it up in a dictionary
(Se non capisci la parola cercala nel dizionario).
Run away: scappare, andar via.
He ran away with a sixteen-year-old girl (Scappò con una ragazza che ha sedici anni

martedì 17 gennaio 2017

Inglese facile - gli articoli

Gli articoli determinativi IL, LO, LA, I, Gli, LE in inglese
 si traducono con THE

per l'uso ecco la regola principale

THE si usa quando si sa di che cosa o di chi si sta parlando

vorresti mangiare qualcosa al ristorante cinese

in questo caso si sa di quale ristorante si sta parlando si conosce il nome

Would you like to eat something at the chinese restaurant ?

un altro esempio

he is going to a hotel on the seaside. The hotel is very beautiful.

prima A  poi THE perché si sta parlando dell'albergo on the seaside.

gli articoli indeterminativi si usano per le professioni

he is a teacher


a few           pochi
a lot of        molti
a couple of   un paio di
a little         un pochino


quando nella realtà esiste un esemplare solo della cosa

the queen

the sun

the moon

prima di sostantivi come

the rivers
the seas
the newspapers
the hotels
the pubs
the theaters
the deserts
the montain groups
the museums
the art galleries

con nome geografici
The Theames
The atlantic

non si usano articoli con

nomi uncountables

con nomi generici

I don't drink water

con i nomi propri  di


con alcuni luoghi e mezzi di trasporto


domenica 19 giugno 2016

grammatica inglese - pronomi indefiniti

Grammatica inglese - pronomi indefiniti

In inglese nella stessa frase non  può esserci più di una negazione. Perciò se c'è un vocabolo negativo  quale never (mai)  no (nessuno) nobody (nessuno) nothing (niente) il verbo andrà alla forma positiva

He never dinks tea
there is nobody here
there are no potatoes
there is nothing to do
he saw nobody

Invece di nobody nothing e no si può trovare anybody anything any  e mettere la forma al negativo

there isn't anybody here
there aren't any potatoes
there isam't anything like it
He didn't  see anybody

some any  no e every si uniscono a body (persona) e thing (cosa) dando luogo a una serie di pronomi indefiniti

somebody qualcuno
something  qualcosa

anybody qualcuno  nessuno
anything qualcosa niente

nobody nessuno
bothing  niente

everybody ognuno tutti
everything ogni cosa tutto

Per questi pronomi o aggettivi valgono le stesse regole di some e any. cioè i composti di some  non si usano in frasi interrogative (tranne le forme di cortesia desidera un po' di tè would you like some tea ?) negative  o dubitative
Vengono sostituiti dai composti di any

Nothing anything  everything something  sono seguiti subito dall'aggettivo senza preposizione

there is nothin wrong  non c'è niente di sbagliato
something beautiful  qualcosa di bello

giovedì 7 aprile 2016

esercizi di inglese - su simple present e present continuous

esercizi di inglese - su present simple e present continuous

metti i verbi tra parentesi  al tempo giusto

  1. Cuckoos (not build) ........................... they (use) ...................... the nest of other birds
  2. you can't see Tom now : he (have)................... a bath
  3. He usually (drink)................cofee but today he (drink) ........................tea
  4. What she (do) ................ in the evening ?
  5. I won't go out now  as it (rain) .......................  and I (not have) ......................... unbrella
  6. The last train (leave) .......................... the station  at 11.30
  7. He usually  (speak) ......................... so  quickly  that I (not undestand) ..............................him
  8. Ann (make) .....................a dress for  herself  at the moment. She (make) ................... all her own clothes
  9. Hardly  anyone (wear) ............................ a hat nowaday
  10. I'm afraid  I've  broken one of your coffee cup. don't worry  I (not like) ....................that set anyway
  11. I (wear) my sunglasses today because  the sun is very strong
  12. Tom can't have the newspaper  now because  his aunt (read)
  13. I can't answer the phone  now because I (paper) .............................the sitting room walls
  14. The kettle (boil)  shall I make the tea ?
  15. you  (enjoy)........................myself  very much. I (want) stay  to the end.
  16. How you (get)) .............................. to work as a rule ?
  17. Whyyou (put)......................... on your coat ? I (go) ................................for a walk. You (come)...........with me. Yes I'd love to come. You (mind) if I bring my dog?
  18. How much you (owe) .........................him ? I (owe)............. him 5 $. you (intend).................. to pay him ?
  19. You(belong) your local library Yes I do. You (read) ................... a lot  ? How often you (change) ....... your books ? I (change) every day
  20. Mary usully (learn) ...................... languages very quickly  but she (not seem)........... able to learn modern Greek
  21. I Always (buy)..........................  lottery tickets  but I never (win)......................... anything.
  22. You (like) ........................this necklace ? I (give) .................... it to my daughter for  her birthday Tomorrow  
  23. I won't  tell you  my secret unless you (promise) not  to tell anyone. I (promise) .......................
  24. You  Always (write) ............................with your left hand ?
  25. You (love) ?
  26. You (dream) night ? Yes I Always (dream)...................... and ifi I (eat )................too much  supper I (have) ...........................nightmares
  27. Who ( whistle) .............................? It is mr Pitt He (feel) ....................................happy
  28. these workmen are never satisfied they Always ( complain) .................
  29. We (use)  ...............................this room today  because the window in the other room is broken
  30. He Always (say).......................that he will mend the window but he never (do)
  31. You (know) ..................why  an apple (fall) .............................down and not up?
  32. You (write) to him  tonight . Yes I Always (write)............... to him on his birthday. You (want) ................
  33. Tom an Mr Pitt(have) a long convesation. I (wonder ) ...............................what they(talk) ..........about .
  34. You (believe) .................. all that new spaper say ?  No I (not believe )......................any of it Then Why you (read).........................  newspapers ?
  35. This car (make ) ..................a very strange noise: you (think)) is all righht ? Oh that noise (not matter) ......................It Always (make) .....................a noise like that
  36. The fire (smoke) ...............................horribly  I can't see across the room. I (expect) ...............that birds(build) .............a nest in the chimney . They Always (do) ...............that Why you (not put) ................................. wire acrosso the top of your chimney ? We do sometimes  but the birds usually (remove)
vedi soluzioni sotto

  1. don't build, use
  2. is having
  3. drinks, is drinking
  4. does she do , plays, watches
  5. is rainin, haven't
  6. Leaves
  7. speaks, don't understand
  8. is making, makes
  9. wears
  10. don't like
  11. am wearing
  12. is reading
  13. am papering
  14. is boiling
  15. are you enjoying, am enjoying, want
  16. do you get, go, am going
  17. are you puttin, am going, are you coming, do you mind
  18. do you owe, I owe, do you intend
  19. do you belong, do you read, doyou change, I change
  20. learns, doesn't seem
  21. Always buy/am Always buying
  22. do you like, am giving
  23. promise, promise
  24. do you Always  write
  25. do you love, like, don't love
  26. do you dream, dream,eat, have
  27. is whisling, is feeling
  28. are Always complaining/Always complain
  29. are using
  30. is Always saying/Always says, does
  31. do you know, falls
  32. are you writing, write, do you want
  33. are having, wonder, are taking
  34. do you believe , don't believe, do you read
  35. is making, do you think, doesn't matter, makes
  36. is smoking, expectm, are building, are Always doing/Always do, dont you put, remove

venerdì 25 marzo 2016

esercizi grammatica inglese - verbi get e be

esercizi grammatica inglese - verbi get e be

inserire nel testo le preposizioni o avverbi adatti

  1. is Mary in ? no she's .......... and won't be ..........till nine o'clock
  2. what shall we do now ? i'm ..........keeping quiet and saying nothing
  3. if you got ..............your work instead of talking you'd be finished in half the time
  4. he pomised to act as chairman  so i'm afraid ha can't get ........... it noe there's no one else to do it
  5. she wants to do  all the work herself   but I don't think she is .................. it
  6. he Leaves his car at a parking meter for over two hours Always  gets ....... it  when I do  that I am fined
  7. I dont't think  they'll be ............yet  it's only five o'clock in the morning
  8. they didn't want the news of theri engagement to get ...........till it was officially  announced
  9. the office cleoses early on Fridays  and we get ............ at five o'clock instead of six
  10. If you  dom't give the children something to do  they'll  be ....... some  mischief
  11. the car stopped in front of  the bank messenger  and two men  with guns got ............
  12. she is friendly  girl who gets ..............everyone she meets
  13. as soon as  the examinations are ................ we are  going away  on holyday
  14. It took her a long time get ......... the Death  of her husband
  15. we usually  get ........ a play among ourselves  at the end of term
  16. i'm goin to Berlin on business and I shall be ............ a week
  17. om hasn't  been working  he won't  get ................ his examinations
  18. The police  knew he had committed the crime  but he got there was not enough evidence against him
  19. shall I marry him ? Well it is Ican't very well decided for you
  20. I tried to  ring hm up but I couldn't get ....... I think some of the lines are dowm after  last nught's storm
  21. she talks so much that it is difficult to get ................ from her

  1. out, in/back
  2. for
  3. on with
  4. out of
  5. up to
  6. away with
  7. up
  8. out/about
  9. off/away
  10. up to
  11. out
  12. on with
  13. over
  14. over
  15. up
  16. away
  17. through
  18. off
  19. up to
  20. through
  21. away
  22. over
  23. off
  24. up to
  25. in
  26. on/along
  27. out
  28. for
  29. off/into/on
  30. on
  31. up to
  32. back
  33. on/along
  34. away with
  35. back in
  36. out of

martedì 9 febbraio 2016

inglese - reading comprehension

inglese - reading comprehension                                                                    LIVELLO AVANZATO

this section is useful to  teste vocaburary and formal gramatical control
you are required to fill  in a blank  a sentence  with  one of four given words or phrases

here an example

she quickly washed the milk off the carpet so that it wouldn't leave  a ........................

A  stain     B colour   C fault  D remark

answer : A

the text is intended to test your understanding of which word is correct in a particular context


it is important  to remember that whatever choice you make  you answer  must be correct  in both
meaning and structure


do you ............. to my  smoking a pipe

A  mind  B excuse C object  D  dislike

all these choise seem to express a similar meaning  tha of "not liking" but only one i s structurally correct
choice C object is correct because  it is followed  by  to
mind dislike an excuse  cannot be followed by to

example 2

be careful  when you enter the prison. There are some  very .......... guard dogs

A tame  B friendly   C beautiful  D fierce

all the choice are adjective  and would be appropriate from a sructural poin of view  but   A  B  C  cannot be correct (why  should you be careful  of such charming guard dogs  D fierce  is there fore the right answer 

example 3

However hard you tried he never ........ to swim more than 100 metres

A succeeded  B failed   C  realised   D  managed

A succeeded   has the right kind of meaning  but is wrong structurally because  succeede shoud be followed by  in

B failed   is right structurally  but has the wrong meaning

C realised  is wrong in meaning and structure

D managed   is correct in meaning and structure  ( managed is followed by TO )

remember to read the sentences carefully  and check that your choice is correct both in sturcture  and meaning

your aim in preparing for rhis section  is to broaden your understanding of the correcti use of English
words and phrases
different way  + preposition combination, phrasal verbs  general vocabulary idiomatic expression
Word  which cause  special difficulties
to prepare this part of examination you must  be willing to do a lot of work by yourself and  is recommend the use of a good English-English  dictionary 
it is  very important  that your dictionary  should you explain  the various meaning of words but gshoul also give clear examples  of how  they are used